Mobile App / Interactive Media

Gaia Norway - Norwegian Wildlife app


The protection and preservation of flora and fauna are essential from both a scientific and a cultural point of view.


Jovana Solunovic-Mitrovic and Alex Catania

Strategy, UX/UI:
Jovana Solunovic-Mitrovic

December 2022 - June 2023

Norwegian Wildlife app can contribute to raising awareness of endangered species in Norway, as well as to bring it closer to the users what kind of impact climate change has on the environment and how is it contributing to the disappearance of certain species. This is a helping tool that can improve the quality of every person's life.

The app called Gaia Norway, as a result of several ideation techniques and collection of data, contextual and technical requirements, is created to facilitate the awareness of endangered species, as well as helping people to educate themselves about the topic and improve their lifestyles.


Using different types of research methods may help to discover multiple solutions to a variable amount of problems. The collection and analysis of sampled data will effectively generate answers to the main goals of the research.

Since the object is a digital application for commercial and educational use, we consider the use of qualitative and quantitative research methods as the best way to get to know the user's behavior and relation with a product, designed and crafted for easy education programs on the go.


Gaia Norway is an app which allows people to be updated and related to the latest news about wildlife in Norway, which includes information about endangered species and climate change. The app will also enable connections and build a community of people interested in global wildlife changes.

Once we solidified our initial concepts, we had to validate which solutions would most likely solve the user’s problems and see which ideas and features were most valued.
We conducted five rounds of brainstorming and defined top ideas.


Gaia Norway is an app which allows people to be updated and related to the latest news about wildlife in Norway, which includes information about endangered species and climate change. The app will also enable connections and build a community of people interested in global wildlife changes.

Once the initial concepts were solidified, it had to be validated which solutions would most likely solve the user’s problems and see which ideas and features were most valued.
We conducted five rounds of brainstorming and defined top ideas.


After careful analysis, a UX solution has been created, reflected in lo-fi wireframes for key pages and connected them to wire flow.

Usability testing Lo-Fi 

Data and feedback were collected and analysed after tests were completed by the participants. The test was followed by two different categories and the categorisation was made depending on the participants' technology background.


of participants understood the core premise and overall concept of this product.


of participants successfully completed all tasks related to the overall concept of the product.


Hign-Fidelity prototype


Thank you!

Get in touch


UX Designer, Researcher

Jovana Solunovic-Mitrovic

©JS-M, 2023
